Our Mission
The mission of Humanist League is to build an inclusive, values-based community dedicated to breaking down the ideological barriers to widespread human flourishing. To this end, we celebrate freedom of inquiry in the domains of ethics, politics and theology, and promote constructive dialogue and mutual understanding on subjects that traditionally divide humanity.
Our Objectives:
- Build a close community committed to core humanist values.
- Provide a vital social space where members can safely engage in the collaborative testing of ethical, existential, theological and political hypotheses.
- Engage the adherents of other outlooks in open, honest dialogue aimed at mutual understanding.
- Promote humanism as a promising value foundation for harmonious co-existence, collaborative problem solving and a brighter future.
View our full constitution here
Ways to get involved
The Executive Board

Previous Executive Boards
- 2019 – 2020:
- Isaac Grosof ― President
- Alex Fogelson ― Vice President
- Ilona Altman ― Events Coordinator
- William Chen ― Treasurer
- Isaac Grosof ― Social Chair
- Daniel De Angulo ― Media Manager
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor
- 2018 – 2019:
- Alex Jackson ― President
- Chanel Menocal ― Vice President
- Alexander Litzenberger ― Events Coordinator
- Yunzhe Nie ― Treasurer
- Isaac Grosof ― Social Chair
- Jeremy Huang ― Media Manager
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor
- 2017 – 2018:
- Clara Nelson ― President
- Alex Jackson ― Vice President
- Jeremy Huang ― Events Coordinator
- Chanel Menocal ― Treasurer
- Eduardo Solomon ― Social Chair
- Aiko Kyle ― Media Manager
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor
- 2016 – 2017:
- Aiko Kyle ― President
- Clara Nelson ― Vice President
- Katie Beittenmiller ― Events Coordinator
- Peter Boyland ― Treasurer
- Jeremy Huang ― Social Chair
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor
- 2015 – 2016:
- Katie Beittenmiller ― President
- Winston Yin ― Vice-President
- Aiko Kyle ― Events Coordinator
- Ezra Yuan ― Treasurer Fall 2015
- Alex Jackson ― Treasurer Spring 2016
- Clara Nelson ― Social Chair
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor
- 2014 – 2015:
- Winston Yin ― President
- David Koopman ― Fall 2014 Treasurer
- Ezra Yuan ― Spring 2015 Treasurer
- Katie Beittenmiller ― Social Chair
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor
- 2013 – 2014:
- Jie Guan ― President
- Luke Masa ― Treasurer
- Winston Yin ― Social Chair
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor
- 2012 – 2013:
- James A. Laslavic ― President
- Winston Yin ― Treasurer
- Jie Guan ― Social Chair
- Prof. Andy Norman ― Faculty Advisor